Ani Ma'amin
Background on Ani Ma'amin, as sung to Rebekka Goldsmith's melody during the Yom HaShoah Service at Congregation Bet Haverim on April 18,...

Purim strikes again
Last night "Three musical couples and a bat mitzvah" (including us and our little one drumming) led the band for a musical megillah at...

sunmoonpie at Jewish Life Festival 2023
Thanks to all the earlybirds who caught our set at the Jewish Life Festival! This was the first time sunmoonpie did a full set as a...

sunmoonpie at Atlanta Jewish Life Festival this February!
This February we'll be performing at the Atlanta Jewish Life Festival ! Last year was the first time sunmoonpie did a full set as a...

Support Eliana Light's album Ora Hi ("She is light")
One of our favorite Jewish music colleagues is releasing two albums this year, funded by supporters like you! Please consider...

TOMORROW: Join sunmoonpie among friends of Eliana Light
Michael & Bonnie Levine will be performing at this very special collaborative recorded singing event at Shearith Israel. Register here!

Sunmoonpie's "we don't talk about Haman" featured!
Check us out in kveller and tcjewfolk! You can check out our video here!
2022 update
This weekend we will perform as part of the lineup at this Sunday's Atlanta Jewish Life Festival! We'll even be debuting an Encanto...

See us at LimmudFest 2019 - Register by Friday!
Join us at LimmudFest 2019! Registration ends Friday! LimmudFest is very special to us. We have led services and sessions over the...

Kids and family music programming at Ahavath Achim
Beginning with a family Shabbat on August 10, Bonnie and Michael will lead Shabbat family music and tefillah programming at Ahavath Achim...